Helping people
KNOW Jesus,
GROW more like Jesus,
and GO serve Jesus.

Sunday Worship:
Contemporary 9:30am
Traditional 8am, 11am
Online: 9:30am, 11am

(941) 625-4356

Disciple is a strange word. I cannot think of it being used in our modern times outside of church circles. I have never been asked to be a disciple or to make a disciple anywhere in my life outside of scripture. Yet here at the end of Matthew, Jesus’ final instruction, is that we should all go make them. So what is a disciple? To be a disciple essentially means to be a learner or pupil. In this case, being a disciple of Jesus, it implies that I would learn the way of Jesus, so that I can do what Jesus did.

Interestingly enough, that’s been part of the purpose of this blog, to Learn Jesus. I am trying to read scripture intently listening to Jesus so that I can learn Jesus, who he is and what he does, and hopefully some of that rubs off on me as I try to practice doing what I learn from Jesus. Over the past 28 weeks, I have learned that I still have a long way to go. But that is part of being a disciple. To continually be in the process of learning and growing. It is an ongoing apprenticeship.

Here in Matthew though, Jesus’ instructions are not for his disciples to keep learning, but rather he gives them the instruction to go make disciples. I imagine they are not to stop learning themselves, but that they are to go out and do what Jesus did with other people. To read together, pray together, and share in life together in a way that forms people to be more like Jesus. We invite others to join us in the journey of being Jesus’ apprentices.

I wonder if the decline of the church in America that has happened over the past 50 years is not because of the ‘culture’ but because we have not made disciples. Rather than walking with people in a way that they are able to live out their faith, invite some people to share in life, and then helping them learn Jesus, we have made church about showing up on Sunday morning. Worship is important, but just as important is our making disciples who make disciples who make disciples. Maybe the key to revival is to do the things that Jesus did.

As I move from Matthew to Mark next week, I’d love to invite some people to join me in learning Jesus. We will plan to meet together on Zoom to talk about what we are learning from Jesus, and how we are applying what we are learning in our lives. If you are interested, send me an email