Helping people
KNOW Jesus,
GROW more like Jesus,
and GO serve Jesus.

Sunday Worship:
Contemporary 9:30am
Traditional 8am, 11am
Online: 9:30am, 11am

(941) 625-4356

It is quite a difficult task to lay aside our own desires to serve someone else. I realize this quite often in my own house. Any parent knows that at some level, having kids entails service. There are so many things that need to be done to raise children. Lately I have found myself asking them to serve me and for their desires to be secondary to mine. I might ask them to go get me a glass of water, or run and fetch my phone. If they were to ask the same of me, I would probably scoff at the idea. As I remember hearing growing up, “you’ve got two legs and can walk.” Children do not have the ability to say that to their parents.

In Jesus’ words here about greatness and serving, I might best understand it as humbling myself and serving those I am in relationship with. Surely Jesus wants me to involve myself in service to others, to give of my time and my talents to make a difference in my community. If I serve enough in those ways, I might even get recognized for doing it. But if I serve in organizations and make a great name for myself in the community, but I do not serve those closest to me, am I really doing what Jesus calls me to do?

This is what Jesus is saying to me today. Humble myself within my relationships. look for ways that I can serve rather than expecting others to serve me. Keep on serving in the community, amidst people I don’t know or have a relationship with, but make sure that heart and attitude follows me home amongst my family, my friends, and neighbors.